Terms of Use


Likestage Lifetyle

§1 Prerequisite for use

1.1 The following terms of use regulate the use of the website Likestage Lifestyle of Centflow GmbH, Theodor-Heuss-Ring 23, 50668 Cologne, Germany (hereinafter provider) by the website visitor (hereinafter user).

1.2 Conflicting terms or conditions of the user that deviate from these terms of use are not recognized by the provider.

1.3 The provider is entitled to change and adapt these conditions at any time. The provider is also entitled to suspend or terminate the availability of the website at any time. The provider has no influence and assumes no liability for unavoidable, unforeseeable and extraordinary events that can lead to the unavailability of the website, such as power failures, failures of telecommunications lines.

§2 Object of use

2.1 The object of use is the provision of a website for retrieving content, including the presentation or design of a visual online shopping showroom (online shopping showroom). The provision is free of charge and there is never a contractual relationship between the provider and the user.

2.2 The provider excludes any liability with regard to the topicality, suitability, validity, correctness or completeness of the content and does not give any guarantees with regard to the retrieval of the content by the user.

§3 Links

3.1 Links (including affiliate links) are provided for the convenience of the user. Retrieving links is at the user's own discretion and responsibility. The provider bears no responsibility for the content of websites (including affiliate stores) to or from which the own website is linked. The provider is not responsible for the linked offers of third parties (including affiliate stores), and has no control or influence over these linked offers.

3.2 The provider excludes any liability with regard to the topicality, suitability, validity, legality, correctness or completeness of the offers or content from third-party providers (including affiliate stores) and gives no guarantees whatsoever with regard to the retrieval of the offers or Content provided by the user.

3.3 Affiliate networks - As an Amazon affiliate, the provider earns on qualified sales (through the Likestage Community and Likestage Lifestyle brands) by providing affiliate links on the site.

§4 Copyright

4.1 The content of this website is protected as intellectual property and may or may not be subject to third-party copyrights (including website images, text and images of affiliated partners), and may not be copied, modified, for commercial purposes without the consent of the respective copyright owner. disseminated or made accessible to third parties.

§5 Liability

5.1 This website was compiled with the greatest possible care. Nevertheless, no guarantee can be given for the correctness and accuracy of the content. Any liability for damage arising directly or indirectly from the use of this website is excluded. The provider is liable in the case of intent or gross negligence according to the statutory provisions.

§6 Final Provisions

6.1 The law of the Federal Republic of Germany applies exclusively, excluding international private law and the UN sales law. If the user does not have a general place of jurisdiction in the Federal Republic of Germany or if the user is a merchant, a legal entity under public law or a special fund under public law, the place of jurisdiction is the registered office of the provider.

As of April 2021

For the sake of readability, the generic masculine form has been used in these Terms of Use. All texts include female and diverse groups of people.

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